Tuesday, 24. August 2010
giardino fantastico II

constantly the people from our neighbourhood follow our invitation to bring plants for our little garden

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giardino fantastico VII the giardino
fantastico in its (at least for now) final stage in...
by architektenfreund (9/1/10, 9:23 AM)
giardino fantastico VI thanks to
the generosity of the greek pavilion we could bring even...
by architektenfreund (8/31/10, 10:51 PM)
giardino fantastico V more and
more plants are coming in. thanks to all the kind...
by architektenfreund (8/31/10, 10:47 PM)
re-biennale at giardini II our
stand in front of the greek pavilion was put up...
by architektenfreund (8/28/10, 10:34 AM)
re-biennale at giardini the staff
of the greek pavilion has been kind enough to give...
by architektenfreund (8/27/10, 9:46 AM)
giardino fantastico IV we become
more and more plants from our neighbours
by architektenfreund (8/27/10, 9:34 AM)
re-biennale at morion our dear
friends of the re-biennale joined forces with the british pavilion...
by architektenfreund (8/27/10, 9:07 AM)
riaperture we are getting closer
to our final goal - the reopening of the morion...
by architektenfreund (8/24/10, 6:26 PM)
next to come all the
parts for the watering system
by architektenfreund (8/24/10, 6:24 PM)
global beach today we tried
to support our friends from sale by attending their press...
by architektenfreund (8/24/10, 6:23 PM)
giardino fantastico III work on
the garden is progressing
by architektenfreund (8/24/10, 6:14 PM)
cinema paradiso IV
in dziga vertovs movie 'The Man With A Camera' the point of...
by architektenfreund (8/24/10, 6:12 PM)
cinema al morion it turnes
out we are not the first who came up with...
by architektenfreund (8/24/10, 6:09 PM)
the bench II meanwhile the
bench is not only used by us and our neighbours...
by architektenfreund (8/24/10, 6:03 PM)
giardino fantastico II constantly the
people from our neighbourhood follow our invitation to bring plants...
by architektenfreund (8/24/10, 6:00 PM)
cinema paradiso III
with every projection our screen and our audience get bigger and bigger
by architektenfreund (8/24/10, 5:55 PM)
fighting the chaos finally a
big boat of the VESTA, the local waste collection company,...
by architektenfreund (8/18/10, 11:00 AM)
cinema paradiso II cinema paradiso
goes to the next round to our delight more guests...
by architektenfreund (8/18/10, 10:56 AM)
giardino fantastico the next intervention
started: the giardino fantastico is a work in progress. first...
by architektenfreund (8/18/10, 10:52 AM)
cinema paradiso
Screening the silent movie “Buster Keaton – Three Ages” CINEMA PARADISO took place...
by architektenfreund (8/16/10, 10:39 AM)
the bench the first public
intervention for our summer workshop here in the morion: the...
by architektenfreund (8/14/10, 12:12 PM)
benvenuto a venecia
seems like a lot of work is waiting for us
by architektenfreund (8/12/10, 7:22 PM)
periscope the first round with
our periscope our periscope shifts perceptions of everyday live and...
by architektenfreund (7/28/10, 9:20 AM)

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